MUTASA- Zimbabwe has experienced a marked increase in areas burnt by veld fires, fire incidences and valuable property loss due to uncontrolled veld fires, this paper has learnt.

By Lynnety Mukuwiri

Speaking at the commemorations of the national fire week campaign that was held in Mutasa district, Manicaland Wattle Company Chief Executive Officer Mr. Frank Kufa lamented the upward trend in severity of veld fires on the environment adding that correctional measures need to be taken to ensure sustainable environmental management and protection.

 “Nationally In 2012 there was a marked increase in area burnt by veld fires, fires incidences and lives and property lost due to uncontrolled fires. In 2012 alone 1,320,325 hectares were lost compared to 713,770 hectares in 2011. In addition 16 people have lost their lives to fires in the 2012 fire season, and Manicaland lost 5 lives”.

Mr. Kufa was saddened that the majority of the victims were in the vulnerable age group of 2-5years and those above 70years. He went on to say that property and infrastructure was also affected. 

“Property and infrastructure worth US$479,723 was destroyed by veld fires. It includes vehicles, buildings, livestock and crop produce”.

The Government through EMA has continued to enforce the law on fire for improved compliance. Mr. Kufa said “in 2012, 874 tickets were issued compared to 240 in 2011 while   1341 orders were issued to property owners to put in place appropriate fire suppression measures. In addition traditional leaders have also played a critical role and have handled 88 cases of veld fires nationally”.
