Jonathan Moyo righting his wrongs!

The Sober Mind

The first tenure of the current Minister of Information and Publicity, Jonathan Moyo in the early 2000 era is remembered by those within the media fraternity as a dark era of media clampdown and the subsequent breakdown of freedom of expression, media freedom and the beginning of private media persecution.

It will always be remembered as an era that resulted in the forced closure of the DailyNews which at that time had received rave reviews for their pro-labour and obviously anti ZANU-PF approach.

Professor Jonathan Moyo is considered the core architect of media laws such as the Access to Information and Protection to Privacy Act (AIPPA), Public Order and Security Act (POSA); and Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) among many other retrogressive ones which were enacted to regulate content in the sector, Jonathan Moyo became the arch enemy of all private media.
He will never be forgotten because of his boldness to declare that,
1.     “The daily news had closed its own shop by refusing to follow the law of the land.”
2.     "The Daily News is a victim of the rule of law which it had been preaching since 1999."

In this case he meant the inimical media laws which were aiming at creating a sing along media industry which would not have questioned actions by the government.
The problem with Zimbabwean media has been polarisation and the Minister did a lot in creating this environment.

But now in his second tenure as Minister of the same Portfolio, many will are shell shocked at the different approach he has taken to the media industry. Instead of fighting tooth and nail to shutdown private media, Professor Moyo has instead taken a more diplomatic approach of dialogue.

                                                            Prof Jonathan Moyo

He has visited his 2005 victims DailyNews and NewsDay a new private player which he would have loved to closed down too in 2005.

‘Jona-a’ has managed to make more friends than enemies and for that, he deserves credit. Moyo has been a fore runner of revamping the torn moral fabric of the media industry which had ceased to be mouth pieces for the community and became political resources used to churn propaganda by politicians (both public and private).

Few believe his transformation and even fewer trust him because of his renowned shrewdness when it comes to politicking.

“It would be easier for the Devil to repent to God than for Moyo to reform” (A statement uttered by a senior journalist right after the new cabinet was announced)
Though most fingers will point at him for the demise in the media industry, to tell the truth the controversial MP has caused a lot of introspection within the industry. Infact if his new efforts are to be welcome he will help change journalism for the better.

Like a headless chicken Moyo jumped straight from the fire of losing his House of Assembly seat in Tsholotsho into the fire when he was appointed minister, launching a wide stakeholders briefing in Harare before Bulawayo where he met the who is who in the industry. He has managed to cool-down tempers between rival papers and to some extent restore journalism which experienced Journos like Tapfuma Machakaire are reminiscent of. 

He however will have to accept the blame for the decadence experienced over the past decade.

Jonathan Moyo’s endeavours should be rewarded with due cooperation, enmity aside. It will be in his stead that the Criminal Law and Codification Act which has put many in prison will be rectified. It will also be on his guard that the media industry will remember an era which politicking within Zimbabwean media was diminished.

In his three months in office, Moyo has done more good than harm. To some extent he has been an angel as compared to what he did in his previous term. Some however are still cautious of the motive behind his friendly approach, describing it as a snare by a wolf in sheep clothing.

Veteran scribes will never forget his previous antics but a wise one will say,
“Let us give him a chance to right his wrongs.”

It is no use crying over spilt milk, hence let us move on into a different era of diplomacy with our ‘Wolf’ in sheep’s clothing. Let us take heart in that atleast we know that he is a Wolf so we are 100% aware and ready for any mishap. In the mean time...let the Tsholotsho man right his evils!!!
