Beitbridge man slaped with 2year jail term for unintended marriage promise

A 22 year-old man from Beitbridge was last week imprisoned for 2 years for after he was arrested for having a sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old juvenile.

Report by Wellington Mukanhaire

Adam Chitungo of 762 Medium Density Suburbs was convicted on his own plea of guilty to contravening a section of the Criminal Law Reform and Codification act Chapter 9:23 (Having sexual intercourse with a young person) when he appeared before Beitbridge Resident Magistrate Miss Gloria Takundwa.

Chitungo was left with 2 years effective to serve after Miss Takundwa conditionally suspended one year of the sentence for 5 years.

In passing the sentence, the magistrate said Chitungo had endangered the young girl’s life by having unprotected sex with her hence the
need to a deterrent sentence.

Prosecutor Mr Jabulani Mberesi told the court that sometime in February this year, Chitungo proposed love to the juvenile who is aged

He said on the 26th of October at around 2000hrs Chitungo went to the complainant’s house where he lured the girl into a nearby bush.He then had sexual intercourse with her once and later released the victim.

The matter came to light when the complainant arrived home later and was quizzed by her parents about her disappearance. She then confessed that she had been intimate with the accused. The matter was in turn reported to the police leading to Chitungo’s subsequent arrest.

During mitigation Chitungo indicated that he proposed to the girl with the intention of marrying her.
